Champions of Change: Empowering Bamboo for a better Future
Dedicated volunteers steer the World Bamboo Organization. The Ambassadors work independently but are connected as a team, and we collaborate to expand the potential of our actions and our mission.

Tania Cerron
Architecture and Building
Tania Cerron is originally from Peru, an ancient country, cradle of the oldest civilizations
in the world, where bamboo was present. With a great diversity of native and
introduced species distributed throughout the country, with natural forests of native
guadua predominating in the Amazon. Tania has a Master's degree in Ecology and
Environmental Management and is an Architect from the Ricardo Palma University
(Peru) with a Registry of National Scientific Technological and Technological Innovation
Researcher - RENACYT, Specialist in International Cooperation for Development from
the San Buenaventura University of Cartagena (Colombia, Italy), with training and
specialization in Bamboo Technology in Colombia and China, National Bamboo
Research Center -CBRC (China, 2011, 2018) and International Center of Bamboo and
Rattan -ICBR (China, 2012 and 2017). She is currently Deputy Manager of the
company Cerrón Arquitectos, member of FEDEGUADUA (Colombia), research
professor at the Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola (Peru), founder and project director
at Bamboo Green Communities, ambassador for Peru of the World Bamboo
Organization since 2018, researcher at the Bamboo Research Center of the National
Agrarian University La Molina, founder and president of the Peruvian Bamboo Society
(2011-2020), member of the technical committee of structures of the National Building
Regulations of Peru (2012-2022).
She is a consultant, designer and researcher on bamboo and ecological technologies,
with 18 years of experience, for the public, non-governmental and private sectors. She
has designed, supervised and executed different constructions with bamboo in the
three regions of Peru and currently in Brazil.
She is a speaker and trainer in national and international seminars and workshops
related to bamboo, Germany, China, Philippines, Korea, Vietnam, Cameroon,
Colombia, Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama, Peru. Full Member of the College of
Architects of Peru, before the Technical Standardization Committee for the preparation
of the NTE E. 100-bamboo. Winner of the CASACOR 2023 Award for the most
sustainable project with the bamboo Eco habitat. USIL Best Teacher Award – 2023-02.
2018 Annual Award of the College of Architects of Peru in Sustainable Architecture, for
outstanding work with bamboo. Winner of the Public Competition of the Tourism
Emprende Program Year 2019 – Ministry of Tourism. USIL 2018-2 Internal Competitive
Funds Award for research projects. Co-author of the Manual for the construction of
lightweight structures with bamboo in Peru (INBAR), author of the Manual for the
Construction of Structures with Bamboo and of the four prototypes of rural housing with
bamboo for 4 regions of Peru (MVCS- SENCICO), among others.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6361-991