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Champions of Change: Empowering Bamboo for a better Future 

Dedicated volunteers steer the World Bamboo Organization. The Ambassadors work independently but are connected as a team, and we collaborate to expand the potential of our actions and our mission.

Guilherme Korte


Agroforestry and Industry

Current President of Abrafibras – the Brazilian Association of the Bamboo and Natural Fibers Industry and Producers, founded in 2013. Member of the Sectoral Chamber of Natural Fibers of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Supply of the Federal Government. Speaker and initiator of partnerships with universities and research institutes on bamboo. Conducted technical visits to various countries. Key player in establishing Brazilian technical standards regulating the use of bamboo in civil construction. World Bamboo Ambassador for the World Bamboo Organization. Partner of INBAR for the Development of the Bamboo Production Chain in Brazil. Responsible for the planting and management of more than 600 hectares with different species and varying soil, climate, and terrain conditions, including degraded and low economic return areas. Consultant for sustainable management projects in Acre, Chico Mendes Extractive Reserve, Incra, EMBRAPA ICMBio/FUNTAC. Owner of Viveiro da Taboca Cultivos Ltda since 2010.

Experience in farm development; planting and harvesting of grains; pasture planting and management; logistics; operation of agricultural machinery; rural settlement projects; Araguaia-Tocantins Waterway; food security forests in degraded areas and Indigenous Reserves. Secretary of Agriculture in São Félix do Araguaia, Mato Grosso; Reporter for radio and print media in São Paulo; Editor, writer, and reporter at China International Radio; correspondent for Rádio Globo - CBN and IG in China – first contact with the bamboo industry. Secretary of Agriculture in Novo Santo Antônio, Mato Grosso.