Champions of Change: Empowering Bamboo for a better Future
Dedicated volunteers steer the World Bamboo Organization. The Ambassadors work independently but are connected as a team, and we collaborate to expand the potential of our actions and our mission.

Eufran Ferreira
Agroforestry and industry.
Dr. Eufran Amaral hails from Acre, a state in northern Brazil known for having the largest native bamboo forest in the country (10.9 million hectares). Involved with the World Bamboo Organization since 2023, Dr. Amaral also serves as World Bamboo Ambassador from Brazil. He is a researcher at the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation. He has currently been working with the implementation of biodiverse forests with bamboo.
Dr. Amaral completed his PhD under the supervision of Professor João Luiz Lani at the Department of Soils at the Federal University of Viçosa, focusing on "STRATIFICATION OF ENVIRONMENTS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER, IN THE STATE OF ACRE, WESTERN AMAZON". With more than 50 national and international publications to his name, his research revolves mainly around the Amazon, zoning, pedological surveys, environmental services, Ethnopedology, bamboo, climate change and land use planning. He also contributes to state and national bamboo legislation and has held public functions such as the Secretary of Environment of the State of Acre from 2007 to 2010.
Publications: http://lattes.cnpq.br/6968623829750832